Each company is measured by its economic performance over the past three years.
Austria's Leading Companies (ALC), the country's most important economic competition, once again recognized the diverse achievements of local companies. The award was presented for the 22nd time by "Die Presse" together with KSV1870 and PwC Austria.
ACS Logistics took an excellent 5th place in the "International" category and was once again the only service company to be ranked among the Best Business Enterprises in the province of Upper Austria.
Each company is measured by its economic performance over the past three years. Balance sheet figures, sales and earnings growth and a weighted key figure system ensure an objective result.
KSV1870 rating of 350 or better; companies have a relevant international structure in all operating units and the following characteristics, among others: Products and services are relevant to the world market; international business model, international value chain or international customer structure; market challenges in an international environment; significant export share; foreign subsidiaries, strategic investments, customers or competitors in sufficient quota (international); diversity in the market
See more at www.diepresse.com
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