
Calculate CO₂ emissions of your global supply chain.

Making supply chains more sustainable.

CO2 emission calculation illustration.

We are now offering our customers a new, individually customized service to calculate and provide the CO₂ emissions of your supply chains.

With our advanced tools, we can now produce detailed analyses and reports on the environmental impact of global supply chains. This enables our customers not only to better understand their ecological footprints, but also to take targeted measures to reduce emissions.

The benefits for our customers:

  • Transparent CO₂ accounting: Detailed insights into CO₂ emissions along the entire supply chain.
  • Individual customization: Custom made solutions crafted to the specific needs and circumstances of each customer.
  • Promote sustainability: Support in the implementation of strategies for emission reduction and sustainable development.
  • Our collaboration with Carboncare is a further step in our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. Together, we want to help our customers achieve their environmental goals while making a positive contribution.

Find out more about our new service and how we can make your supply chain more sustainable. Contact us today for a personalized consultation!

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