Nominated for the seventh time in a row and for the first time twice.
It is a special honor and incredibly great confirmation of our achievements to have been selected as a finalist for the Hermes Business Award for the seventh time in a row. This time, even in two categories: Logistics and Employer Branding!
This shows that we not only stand out in our industry sector of logistics with our sustained top performance, but are now also perceived as an outstanding employer. Both nominations reflect our commitment to top quality and an attractive employer brand.
After seven nominations and two wins in the logistics category, this high recognition in employer branding confirms that our way of creating and promoting a working environment in which people can excel is special.
As every year, the awards were presented on October 11 in the historic halls of the Vienna Hofburg.
We would like to thank the initiators of this ongoing success - every single one of our great employees and we think it's "Simply Excellent"!
The Hermes Business Award is the annual award for great entrepreneurship in Austria. Together with the Federal Ministry of Economics, Leitbetriebe Austria, Reed Exhibition Austria and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, the Kurier media house honors companies with the "Business Oscars", which bring outstanding achievements to the public and strengthen the reputation of Austria as a business location internationally.
The award recognizes Austrian companies that present themselves as an attractive and successful employer brand through innovative employer branding.
Companies were awarded prizes in eight categories. The evaluation process comprises seven indicators such as sales growth, employee growth and degree of internationalization, which assess both the company's entrepreneurial performance and its significance for Austria's economy and society.
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