Press Release

Top 10 ALC Ranking.

Austria's Leading Companies 2015.

Illustration of ALC Logo

Austria's Leading Com­panies (ALC) show­cases the sta­bi­lity and quality of the Aus­trian eco­nomy. This com­pe­ti­tion neglects superficialities and spot­lights per­for­mance based on objective and com­pre­hen­sible key figures and values. The award, organized by DiePresse, PwC Austria and KSV1870 took place for the 16th time.

Each company is measured on the basis of its economic performance over the past three years as well as the sustainability and corporate responsibility measures. A KSV rating of a maximum of 350 (= low risk of failure) is a prerequisite for participation.

ACS Logistics was able to take an ex­cel­lent 10th place in the "Solid Small Busi­ness­es Upper Austria" class and is therefore the only logistics ser­vice provider in the top ranks of the 2015 ALC ranking.

ALC Ranking
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